
Deliver treatment to patients in a way that is simple, efficient and low stress.

Why do some dentists work effortlessly while others struggle and end the day tired and beaten up?

How can some dentists be 100% to 200% more efficient than the average, while at the same time maintaining high quality?

What are the materials, team, systems and attitudes you need to achieve this?

Here are just some of the things you will learn

  • The three key things to look for in dental materials.
  • The correct number of instruments to use for routine restorative
  • dentistry.
  • Why working efficiently is actually less stressful than working slowly.
  • Which equipment pays for itself (and which costs you money).
  • Instant set-up and why it’s vital for your productivity.
  • Easily preventable errors that annoy patients and waste your time.
  • How to tell how effective your team is.
  • Two simple things you can do to make your crown work better.
  • 15 common efficiency errors and how to avoid them.
  • How many team members you need to work with maximum efficiency.
  • Dental photography made easy.
  • 7 key concepts to make the dentist far more productive.
  • How to run effective and productive staff meetings.
  • Which things to delegate and which to do yourself.
  • Everything you need to know about 6-handed dentistry.
  • How many burs you need and why having too many slows you down.
  • How to create an effective practice manual.
  • Training new team members to make them productive ASAP.
  • Problem solving in the dental office.
  • The 30-minute crown prep.
  • And much more...

Putting the efficiency puzzle together

For a dental office to be highly efficient there are four key elements that need to come together seamlessly.

Materials and equipment

What materials and equipment do you need to be maximally effective? Can you have too much or two little? What common mistakes do dentists make?


What are the essential characteristics for the team that surrounds the dentist? Team can make or break the productivity in a dental office. What common team mistakes do dentists make?


What are the characteristics shared by highly productive dentists? What changes does the dentist need to make in their behaviour in order to multiply their effectiveness?


Great! You've got all the pieces of the puzzle together. How do you make them all work together seamlessly to produce remarkable gains in efficiency?

Dental crown

The 30-minute crown prep

A benchmark procedure that every dentist is familiar with is the crown prep. Typically dentists take 90 minutes to do one. Some take 2 hours. A few speedy ones can do a crown prep in 60 minutes.

Is it possible to produce a textbook perfect crown preparation comfortably and without stress or rushing in 30 minutes?

In The Art of Efficient Dentistry you'll learn the secrets of how you can do this. Your hourly rate and productivity will go through the roof when you master the 30-minute crown prep.

Small changes can produce BIG results.

“Being efficient with delivery of treatment makes an amazing difference to your practice and your life. You get to practice dentistry with a relaxed ease and an economy of effort while at the same time producing outstanding financial

and clinical results. I’ve spent decades studying and simplifying the art of efficient dentistry. Please let me show you the secrets.”


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